Rabbits 2025
(All Classes run under BRC Rules)
BRC 2* Show and Pet Rabbit Show
Also hosting The Yorkshire Lop Circle 2* Stock Show and the Rare Varieties Rabbit Club 2* Stock Show
Click on the category/breed that you wish to enter in the table below to view full details of the classes available, judges, prizes, etc.
BRC 2* Show | Yorkshire Lop Circle 2* Stock Show | Rare Varieties Rabbit Club 2* Stock Show | Pet Rabbit Show |
Section Secretary
Tom Oversby
2 Knowle Road
07715 244629
Judging commences at 10.30.am.
Penning by 10.am. Limited car parking is available behind the show tent up until 8.45. Once full up, additional vehicles will be required to park in the main public car parks. Exhibitor vehicles arriving after 9am will not be allowed onto the showground, and must carry their exhibits to the Rabbit tent.
Under the terms and conditions of the Show there will be NO movement of motorised vehicles on the Show Field between 9.00am and 5pm. This is a decision by the Show Managers for the health and safety of everyone on the showground, and will be strictly adhered to. .
A Vehicle Pass will be required to gain entry to the Showfield. This will be emailed to you to print off . If you are unable to do this please send an s.a.e. with your entry form for return of a pass.
No dogs allowed in the Rabbit marquee.
Exhibitors MUST provide their own shavings, water and source of forage for their rabbits.
Exhibitors are expected to clear their pens at the end of the Show in accordance with BRC Rules.
Entry Fees
Honley 2* Show: £3.00 per rabbit, £2 SRSBC, Unstandardised £2.00
YLC 2* Show: £3.00 per rabbit
Pet Rabbits: £3.00 per rabbit
RVRC 2*: £3.00 per rabbit
Lucky Pen: £1 per exhibitor
BRC Levy: 50p per exhibitor
ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 20th June, 10pm latest
Entries can be made via email, phone, text, whatsapp, etc.
All entries will be acknowledged.
BRC 2* Show
Judges: Mr R Grindey (Fancy/Fur/Rex) & Mr M Stirr (Lops)
Entry Fee: £3/£2 SRSBC Unstandarised £2 NPM.
Postal entries with fees payable to Honley Show Society Ltd. Please enclose C5 SAE for return of passes.
Prize money – £1, 60p, 40p
Lucky Pen £1 (auto-entered) PM £10
Prizes: BRC Offers CCs, dips & rosettes.
Classification: Adult/U5 (Dutch U4)
FANCY: Angora. Dutch Black, Blue, Steel, Brown-Grey, Yellow, AOC, Tri-coloured Dutch. N/Dwarf REW, AOC Self, Agouti, AOC Agouti pattern, Chin, Otter, Fox, AOC. Polish REW, AOC. Silver. English Black, Blue, AOC. Tan Black, AOC. Himalayan. Miniature Papillon Tri, AOC. Belgian Hare. Thrianta. Rhinelander. Lionhead. AO RV Fancy. AOV Fancy, Youth Fancy.
LOP: Cashmere Lop Self, Non Self. Mini Cashmere Lop Self, Non Self. Mini Lion Lop Self, Non Self, Miniature Lop REW, AOC Self, Agouti, AOC Agouti Pattern, Sooty Fawn, AOC Shaded, Steel, Black otter, AOC Otter, Chin, AOC N/Self. Dwarf Lop REW, AOC Self, Agouti, AOC Agouti Pattern, Sooty Fawn, AOC N/Self. French Lop REW, Agouti, Butterfly, Steel, AOC. German Lop REW, Agouti, Chin, Steel, AOC. English Lop U25”, O25”. Meissner Lop, Plush Lop Agouti, AOV Lop. Youth Lop.
FUR: Alaska, Argente Noir, Bleu, AOC. Beveren. Chinchilla. Silver Fox Black, AOC. Satin Ivory, AOC. Mini Satin. Siberian. Havana. Blanc-de-Hotot. Golden Glavcot. British Giant. Continental Giant. Sable. Smoke Pearl. Sussex Cream. Sussex Gold. Sallander. Thuringer. New Zealand. Blue Holicer. Marburger Feh. Vienna. AO RV Fur, AOV Fur, Youth Fur.
REX: Standard Rex Ermine, Black, Blue, AOC Self, Castor, Chin, Otter, S/Sab, S/Seal, M/S/Sab, M/S/Seal, Orange/Fawn, Dalmatian, Harlequin, AOC. Mini Rex Ermine, Black, AOC Self, Castor, Chin, Otter, Cinnamon, Orange/Fawn, Lynx, AOC N/Self. Youth Rex
Unstandardised Fancy/Lop/Fur
Dups: Section chall Ad, U/5, AA. Grand Chall Ad, U/5, AA
The Yorkshire Lop Circle 2* Stock Show
Judge: Mr I Dearnley
Entry Fee: £3
Prizes: NPM
Cashmere Lop Self, Non Self. Mini Cashmere Lop Self, Non Self. Mini Lion Lop Self, Non Self, Miniature Lop REW, AOC Self, Agouti, AOC Agouti Pattern, Sooty Fawn, AOC Shaded, Steel, Black otter, AOC Otter, Chin, AOC N/Self. Dwarf Lop REW, AOC Self, Agouti, AOC Agouti Pattern, Sooty Fawn, AOC N/Self. French Lop REW, Agouti, Butterfly, Steel, AOC. German Lop REW, Agouti, Chin, Steel, AOC. English Lop U25”, O25”. Meissner Lop, AOV Lop. Youth Lop.
Pet Rabbit Show
Judge: TBA
Entry fee: £3.00 per rabbit
Prizes: £1, 60p, 40p
Rosettes for class winners and prize cards for 1st-3rd in each class
Pet 1: Pet owned by a child under 5 years of age
Pet 2: Pet owned by a child aged 6-12years
Pet 3: Pet owned by a child aged 13-18 years
Pet 4: Pet owned by an adult
Pet 5: Best pet rabbit in show
Rare Varieties Rabbit Club 2* Stock Show
Schedule to be confirmed