Handicrafts 2024


Don’t just admire the exhibits in the Handicraft Marquee, explore your own creative side.

‘Mandala Stones’ Workshop.

Provider Carolyn Hilton is running a series of workshops during the day from 11.30 onwards. Each workshop lasts for 30min and participants (adults or children) will take home their decorated Mandala Stone.
The cost of the workshop will be £7 per person.

Arts and Crafts Exhibition and Competitions 2024

We would love to enable you to join us in celebrating ‘The Joy of Exhibition’ in the Handicrafts Marquee this year.

Display your creative skills by exhibiting them in our Arts and Crafts Exhibition on Saturday June 29th 2024.
No entry fee is required.
Our marquee will show your works for all to see. A group of specialist judges will view the exhibits and award rosettes for exhibits which show the highest skills and impact.
Study the schedule 2024 and complete the entry form. The Entry form can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. Return the form to the Secretary of the Handicraft Section. Make sure you show details of the size of your entry and the medium you have used
Exhibits need to be brought to the Handicrafts marquee either before 6pm on Friday 28th June, or on Show Day, 29th June, before 8.45am.

Section Secretary

Mrs K Butterworth
1 Dennington Lane
Tel No: 07711 273638

Regulations and conditions for all exhibitors in these sections
All exhibits to be in the marquee by 8.45am on the day of the show.
All exhibits must be the production and property of the exhibitor and must not have been previously entered at Honley Show.
The Society cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to exhibits during or after the exhibition.
No exhibits to be removed before 4pm on the day of the show.
Prizes will be awarded entirely at the Judges’ discretion and can be collected from 4pm.
The exact age of the exhibitor must be stated on all Children’s Entry forms.
All Entry Forms should be received by the Handicraft Secretary by Friday 21st June

Entry Fees: Free

Adult Section Prizes: Rosettes to 3rd place.
The Honley Show Perpetual Trophy – Best Exhibit in Adult Classes.
The Nimrod Roebuck Trophy: Best Floral Arrangement.
The Olive Roebuck Trophy: Best Petite Arrangement
Honley Kennels Trophy: Best Photograph

All trophies to be held for one year and remain the property of Honley Show Society Ltd.
Please return trophies in good clean condition before the day of the Show.

Arts and Crafts (Adult Section)

Judges: Mr Vince Cunningham and Mr Richard Hayward
Class 1 – Exhibits may be 2D or 3D, drawing, painting, digital art, mixed or any media.
Class 2 – Photograph – Theme ‘Environment’ – people, landscape, animals, towns and villages.
Class 3 – Pottery/Ceramics exhibit

Textile Skills
Judge: Mrs Hilary Fletcher
Class 4 –
Canvas work, cross stitch or creative embroidery
Class 5-
Crochet article
Class 6 –
Knitted article
Class 7 –
Patchwork or quilting
Class 8 – A metre length of hand made bunting using any textile material
Class 9 – Other crafts not included above
Class 10 -Using recycled materials to produce a piece of craft work

Children’s Section
Age 3 – 17 years inclusive

Exhibitors must be under 17 years of age on show day.
Exhibits must have the exact age of the child clearly shown.
For school entries, a maximum of 10 exhibits in each class entered.

Entry fee: Free

Prizes: Honley Show rosettes awarded to 3rd place.
NHW Wood Memorial Shield – Best Children’s Exhibit. Trophy to be held for one year.
Eileen Langley Trophy – To be awarded for the best group or classwork, 7 years and under. Held by the school and retained for one year.
Sue Asher Trophy – To be awarded for the best artwork, any medium, 7 years and under.
Holme Valley Trophy – To be awarded to a unique/original/independent piece of Child’s Art or Craft work

All trophies to be held for one year and remain the property of Honley Show Society Ltd.
Please return trophies in good clean condition before the day of the Show.

Judge: Ms R Harrison
Lego Competition
We will be looking for the most creative, freestyle construction. The exact age of the exhibitor must be displayed on the exhibit. It must have been constructed independently. Try to create a ‘Wow’ response.
Class 28 – Age 5 – 7 years.
Class 29 – Age 8 -11 years

Arts and Crafts Exhibition
You can exhibit either 2D or 3D works, using any medium, e.g. drawing, painting, digital art, photography, sculpture, modelling or mixed media. Maximum of 10 exhibits per school for each class entered. We would like schools to exhibit an assortment of creative pieces.
Class 30 – Age 3 – 5 years
Class 31 – Age 6 – 7 years
Class 32 – Age 8 – 11 years
Class 33 – Age 12 – 14 years
Class 34 – Age 15 – 16 years
Class 35 – Age 3 – 11 years Design and paint a pebble

Product Design and Design Technology
Class 36 – Exhibit a final product in Textiles, Graphics or Design Technology, with it’s supportive design work.
Age 15 – 16 years. Maximum of 10 exhibits per school for each category entered.

Fruit and Vegetable Creativity
Class 37 –
Create a monster using fruit or vegetables. Age 3 – 6 years.
Class 38 – Create a monster using fruit or vegetables. Age 7 – 10 years.

Class 39 – Homemade Decorated Biscuits. Age 3 -7 years

Maximum of 10 exhibits per school for each class entered.
Class 40 –
A piece of handwriting of your choice. Age 7 years and under.
Class 41 – A piece of handwriting of your choice. Age 8 – 11 years.

Group work
Class 42
– Group or class work. Age 3 -5 years
Class 43 – Group or class work. Age 6 – 7 years
Class 44 – Group or class work. Age 8 -11 years

Floral Arrangement (Adult Section)

Judge: Mrs Karen Longbottom
Beginners Class:
Class 23 – A display using 4 culinary herbs
Class 24 – ‘A Seasonal Floral Ring (door wreath). Size optional. May be brought already assembled
Have a Go Class
Class 25 – ‘An arrangement of flowers in a jam jar. May be brought already assembled
For more experienced lovers of flower arranging
Class 26 – ‘Summer in a cup’ – a petite exhibit. May be submitted already assembled, but must not exceed W25cm x D25cm x H37cm.
Class 27 – ‘A Vision of the Olympics’ using natural plant materials – Exhibit W75cm x D75cm, height optional.
You may stage your arrangement in the Marquee on Friday 28th June before 6pm, or early morning on the 29th June before 8.45am. A table will be provided in the marquee.

Homecraft (Adult Section)

Judge: Mrs Ann Midgley
Class 11 – A yeast product of your choice
Class 12 – A biscuit of your choice (please present a list of ingredients used)
Class 13– A cake of your choice (please present a list of ingredients used)
Class 14 – A Bedfordshire Clanger. A double ended pasty with both savoury and sweet sections (please present a list of ingredients used)
Class 15 – Decorated cake to celebrate the 2024 Olympics
Class 16 – 6 Scones of your choice

Class 17
– Jam
Class 18-
Class 19 – Marmalade
Class 20 – Lemon/Lime/Orange/Strawberry Curd
Class 21
– Chutney
Class 22 – Pickles

We are delighted that due to the generous sponsorship of all Children’s classes by Richard O’Hara Joinery Ltd:
www.rohjoinery.com, we are able to award a gift voucher to all 1st place winners in the Children’s section.
Sue Asher
Richard Carter – the original hand tool manufacturer. Neiley Works, 72, New Mill Rd, Honley, HD9 6QQ
CAT Alarms, Moorside Rd, Honley, HD9 6ER
Calder Art Supplies. www.calderartsupplies.co.uk
Wagstaffs Shoes. Waggiesshoes@aol.com
Andrew’s Greengrocers. 64, Huddersfield Rd, Holmfirth HD9 3AZ
Bea Maynard
Tracy Peto Hair. Tracypeto66@hotmail.com
Dixon and Franks./Cormar, Carpet and Slumber Mill Ltd, Honley www.dixonandfranks.co.uk
TL Dallas & Co Ltd. www.tldallas.com
Chain Reaxtion. Find us on Facebook – Chain Reaxtion, Honley.
Drop In Centre, Sycamore Ave, Golcar, Huddersfield HD3 4SA
Linda Needham
Cozy Paws Cattery. info@cozypawscattery.co.uk
Lily Pickles of Holmfirth. www.lilypicklesholmfirth.co.uk
Changes Beauty Therapy. 1 Eastgate, Honley HD96PA
Colne Valley Museum, Golcar www.colnevalleymuseum.org.uk
Sue, Hayley, Thomas and George Starr
Ashten and Mason Breadquarters Sandwich Shop 27, Westgate, Honley, HD9 6AA

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