Classic Tractors 2025

Tractor Classes

Applications to take part in Honley Show 2025 are now invited for tractors that were built prior to 1992.

Every year, we are delighted to bring you a display of vintage tractors and farm machinery. These machines have worked the land since the early 1900s in ever-evolving forms. The tractor as we know it began with the iconic ‘grey Fergie’ and then the David Brown marque, the latter of special importance due to it being manufactured locally in Meltham. Many are still in use today and kept running with the pride and dedication of their owners, who like nothing better than sharing their passion with visitors to the Show. Everyone who comes to the show loves the tractors which are such an integral part of this historic agricultural event. During the day, please stop to speak to the tractor owners. In the afternoon, the Tractors will parade in the main Ring when visitors have the opportunity to admire them in motion.

The Vintage tractor and Farm machinery display is always very popular and we hope that you will support us once more. The established local road run will take place again this year, allowing tractor owners to give their vehicles a pipe-opener and advertise the Show before assembling at the field. There will another chance to show off your treasured vehicles in the Tractor Parade held in the afternoon in the Main Ring

Tractors at Honley Show in 2025

Trophies will be awarded for Best Tractor, Best Restored and Best Original. Judge to be announced
We will be parading in the main ring during the afternoon. Times are yet to be confirmed.

Tractor Run

Tractor Runs always prove popular, and are a fantastic way to draw attention to charities and events. Following on from the success of the tractor exhibits driving through the local area to the show venue since the Show resumed after the pandemic, we are pleased to be holding the Tractor Run this year. We propose to assemble at The Ford Inn at 8.30am and then undertake a short road run arriving at the show ground at 10.00am.

Vintage Farm Machinery

In addition to the tractors, we are still particularly keen to encourage any agricultural implements to be included at the showground as these are always of great interest to the public. We would love to see more vintage machinery and agricultural equipment. Please ask amongst your friends and family – they must be out there hiding in barns! Arrangements will be made for these to be on the showground in the tractor area at 8.30am.

Below you will find an entry form, an insurance declaration form and request for information regarding your tractor/agricultural implement, which I would be grateful if you would complete and return to myself at the address below before 16th June 2024. All exhibits must be pre-booked. No exhibits will be accepted on the day.

A dashboard pass will be required if you are bringing your agricultural implement on a trailer. This will be emailed to you to print off, along with any further instructions. If you are unable receive an email or print off, please include a stamped addressed envelope to receive your pass which will be posted to you in good time before the show day. Those taking part will receive one free entry ticket to the show.
Please be aware that if you are not taking part in the Tractor Run, you will need to be in the Tractor area by 9.00am at the latest as there will be no vehicle movement on the showfield after this time until 5.00pm. This is a decision made for the health and safety of all attending the Show.

If you know of anybody with a vintage tractor or implement who may wish to attend, please let them know that the entry forms are here. There is no fee to exhibit tractors and agricultural equipment.

Section Secretary

John Torley
54 River Holme View, Brockholes HD9 7BP 07724 866441

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