Dogs 2025
172 Classes Unbenched
To be held under Kennel Club Ltd Rules and Show Regulations
Judged on the Group System
Wet weather accomodation
Free Parking
On call and on site vets Donaldson & Partners
Showground opens 7.30am Show opens 9am
Click on the Group in the table below for the Breeds and Judges at this year’s Show
All classes are for Dog or Bitch unless otherwise stated.
Classes judged in all Groups will be
Breeds J, PG, & O
Section Secretary
Mr Tim Jackson
Tel 01484 644246 Enquiries only
Assistant Secretary and Chief Steward
Mrs Janet Jackson
A Dog docked on or after 6th April 2007 may not be entered for exhibition at this show.
The decision of the Secretary is final.
There is a dedicated free parking area for the Dog Section. Please note access is via an Emergency Access Road which will be closed to traffic at 9.30am until 5pm. A vehicle pass will be required to use this parking.
For Exhibitors who are parked in the Dog Section Car Park and need to leave prior to 5pm due to unforeseen circumstances, arrangements can be made with the Show Management via the Dog Secretary.
Competitors wishing to arrive after 9.30am and leave before 5pm, must use the free public car parking and make their way to the Dog Show on foot.Passes will be required to gain free access onto the showfield. These will be available either electronically to be printed by the exhibitor if entries are made online or by post if entries are made by post.
1 pass One Dog
2 Passes Two Dogs
Max 4 passes Three or more Dogs
There is wet weather accommodation. Competitors may bring their own tents and gazebos. The showground is quite exposed and can be prone to wind. All tents and gazebos must be robust and firmly secured. Any which are deemed to be a risk in strong wind will be required to be taken down at the request of Honley Show site managers. This policy will be strictly adhered to.
Entry Fee: £7 unlimited entries per dog (excluding Junior Handling)
Junior handling: £2
Not for competition: Free. (Not for competition dogs must be over 4 months of age)
In the event of cancellation, entry fees will not be refunded.
All entries are managed by Fosse Data System Ltd 4, Mitchell Court, Castle Mound Way, Rugby, CV23 0UY.
Tel: 01788 860960. Email: info@fossedata.co.uk
Entries and full fees to be sent to Fosse Data at the above address.
Postal Entries close on Saturday 7th June 2025. Postmark
On-line entries can be made up until midnight on Sunday 15th June 2025 at www.fossedata.co.uk
Pre-paid catalogues only: £3.50 with entries only (None available on the day)
Rosette donations: £5.00 per breed, other £1
Prize money: £50 B.I.S., £25 R.B.I.S., £25 B.P.I.S., £10 B.V.I.S
£5 for Best Junior Handler, £5 for Reserve Best Junior Handler kindly offered by Tim and Janet Jackson
Rosettes: 1st – 3rd for each class
Best Import Register in Group, B.O.B., R.B.O.B., B.P.I.B., B.N.S.C., B.P.N.S.C. Groups 1 – 4, B.V.I.G.,
B.I.S., R.B.I.S., B.P.I.S., R.B.P.I.S. Best Veteran, Best Vintage.
Prize cards: 1st – 4th in each class
Proposed Order of Judging. Commencing 10am
Ring 1 Hound Breed classes , AV Imported Breed Register Hound, AVNSC Hound, Hound Group, Hound Puppy Group, AV Veteran Hound.
Gundog Breeds, AV Imported Breed Register Gundog, AVNSC Gundog, Gundog Group, Gundog Puppy Group, AV Veteran Gundog.
Ring 2 Terrier Breed classes, AVNSC Terrier, Terrier Group, Terrier Puppy Group, AV Veteran Gundog
AV Imported Breed Register Toy, Toy Breed Classes,AVNSC Toy, Toy Group, Toy Puppy Group, AV Veteran Toy.
Ring 3 Utility Breed Classes, AVNSC Utility, Utility Group, Utility Puppy Group, AV Veteran Utility.
AV Imported Breed Register Working, Working Breed Classes. AVNSC Working, Working Group, Working Group Puppy, AV Veteran Working.
Ring 4 Pastoral Breed Classes, AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral, AVNSC Pastoral, Pastoral Group. Pastoral Puppy Group, AV Veteran Pastoral
Junior Handling will be judged in the first available ring
Combined Rings Any Variety Classes, Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Veteran in Show
NB. Veteran group winners only to challenge for Best Veteran in Show
The secretary reserves the right to alter the order of judging if necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Show
Junior Handling – Qualifier
Judge: Dawn Behan (Tiblha)
Junior Handling 171: 6 to 11 yrs 172: 12 to 16 yrs
Prize money: £5 for Best Junior Handler and £5 for Best Junior Handler kindly offered by Tim & Janet Jackson
Handler’s name and age must be stated on the Entry Form
Handlers who are placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in these classes will qualify to compete at the JHA semi-finals to be held at the six national championship shows. Dogs must be entered in a previous class at this Show. For more details visit www.juniorhandling.co.uk.
Varieties & Best in Show
Judge: Mrs Jane Howarth (Arkview/Moorbrook)
Any Variety 164: Vintage 165: Minor Puppy 166: Puppy 167: Junior 168: PG 169: O 170: Brace
Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show & Best Veteran Judging
BVIS will be selected from the winners of the seven Group Av Veteran Classes
Group Judge – Mrs Jane Howarth (Arkview/Moorbrook)
Bracco Italiano, German Shorthaired Pointer, Irish Setter, Sussex Spaniel. Judge: Mr Roger Perkins (Brent/Silkridge)
Spaniel (Cocker), Spaniel English Springer , Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Judge: Dr Heflin Jones (Pencastan)
Retriever (Golden) Judge: Mrs Colette Perkins(Silkridge/Brent)
A.V.N.S.C., AVIBR, A.V. -Veteran Judge: Mrs Jane Howarth (Arkview/Moorbrook)
Group Judge – Mrs Colette Perkins (Silkridge/Brent)
Basenji, Basset Griffen Vendeen (Petit), Beagle, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Whippet. Judge: Mr Tom Casentieri(Alchez)
AVNSC, AVIBR, AV Hound – Veteran Judge: Mrs Colette Perkins(Silkridge/Brent)
Group Judge: Mr David Howarth (Moorbrook/Arkview)
Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Collie(Rough), Lancashire Heeler, German Shepherd Dog,Shetland Sheep Dog Judge; Anne Cave (Casiann)
A.V.N.S.C., AVIBR, A.V. – Veteran Judge: Mr David Howarth(Moorbrook/Arkview)
Group Judge: Mr David Howarth (Moorbrook/Arkview)
Border Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier, A.V.N.S.C., A.V. – Veteran.
Group Judge: Mr Martin Frostick (Marlukney)
Cavalier King Carles Spaniel, L/C Chihuahua, S/C Chihuahua , Papillion, Pomeranian, Pug , A.V.N.S.C., AVIBR, AV -Veteran
Group Judge: Mr Trevor Crossland (Chaela)
Boston Terrier, Dalmatian, Japanese Spitz, Lhasa Apso, Tibetan Terrier. Judge: Mr Trevor Crossland(Chaela)
Shih Tzu. Judge: Hayley Horne (Chanceinn)
Japanese Shiba Inu Judge: Dawn Behan (Tiblha)
A.V.N.S.C., AVIBR, AV -Veteran Judge: Mr Trevor Crossland(Chaela)
Group Judge: Andrea Maltas (Virlees)
Alaskan Malamute , Dobermann, Leonberger, Newfoundland, Siberan Husky, AVNSC, AVIB, AV – Veteran