The section will again be kindly sponsored by Ben Kellett, CEO of IK SportClassic, Washpit Mills, Holmfirth
If you have a Classic car, registered before 1st June 1986, Honley Show would love to showcase it for you.
Applications to exhibit at the 2025 Honley Show are now invited for Classic Cars (manufactured prior to 1st June 1986; otherwise by agreement with the Section Secretary).
The Classic Car area will be located in a prominent position on the Showfield. Cars enter from all over West Yorkshire and beyond and always attract a great deal of interest. Visitors young and old are encouraged to view them at close quarters and chat to their proud owners.
Judge: Neil Hardy M.I.M.I. Chairman, Slaithwaite Classic Car Club
Judging will take place in the morning with trophies, rosettes and prize money for the Best in Show and Most Original; and rosettes and prize money for Runners-Up in both classes, kindly sponsored and presented once again by Ben Kellett of IK SportClassic, Washpit Mills, Holmfirth http://ikclassicsandracing.co.uk. IK SportClassic are located just outside Holmfirth at Washpit Mills. They have a superb reputation in the classic racing circuit as well as in vehicle restoration and maintenance. Washpit Mills is also the home of the well-known Carding Shed Café.
All vehicles must be in place by 9.30am as there will be NO vehicular movement after this time.
Under the terms and conditions of the Show there will be NO movement of motorised vehicles on the Show Field between 9.00am and 5pm. This is a decision by the Show Managers for the health and safety of everyone on the showground, and will be strictly adhered to.
No tickets are required.
A vehicle pass to be displayed on the dashboard will be required to aid the traffic management staff.
NO entries can be made on the day of the Show.
Any unentered cars will be required to park in the Public Car Parks, and payment must be made to visit the Show.
Entries by the 30th May, please.
To Enter
Please click on the button below for the Entry Form. Attached to the entry form is an insurance declaration form and space for information regarding your exhibit.
Ways to make your Entry.
We are mindful that not everybody is computer savvy, or has the capacity to print or scan documents. Please find below, all the ways you can make an entry.
For the Computer savvy.
The Entry Form is editable, enabling you to download onto your computer, fill in, and return via email to the Classic Car Secretary. A Vehicle Pass will be emailed to you on receipt of your Entry Form. Please print off the Pass, and remember to display it on your dashboard in order to gain access to the Showfield.
If you cannot print or scan documents,
please send an s.a.e. to the Secretary for return of a printed Vehicle Pass.
To receive a paper copy of the Entry Form, please send an s.a.e. to the Secretary.
Section Secretary
David Fisher
Bank Top Cottage
Tel. 01484 682903
email: davidandgillie@yahoo.co.uk